Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama's new campaign song

So I was listening to this song while I was driving home from L.A. this evening, and holy shit... it is my jam for sure. I was getting so hyped that I could barely keep me head from shaking and nodding at the same time while making a really mean looking thizz face.

Anyway, I was tihnking that it's pretty cool that Obama is using Signed, Sealed, Delivered as his campaign song, but it would be even cooler if he used this song by Arnie Love & The Lovettes. It's melodic and funky and fucking tough all at the same time and it would scare the crap out of John McCain. I'm pretty sure he would just hand his wallet and watch to Barack the next time he came face to face with him. Punk bitch. RUN YO SHIT!

Oh, and look at this stupid picture.

Arnie Love & The Lovettes - We've Had Enough

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn- that song IS tiiiight.
total jam for sure, bro.